
Tina Baich

Tina will be assuming the role of Director starting July 15, 2024. Tina brings over a decade of experience in shared print, including Project Coordinator for the Academic Libraries of Indiana-Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (ALI-PALNI) Shared Print...

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Sara Amato

Sara Amato is the Program Manager for EAST, responsible for programmatic, technical and systems aspects of the project.

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Matthew Revitt

Matthew Revitt is Shared Print Consultant for EAST and also Special Collection and Maine Shared Collection Librarian at the University of Maine. He was previously Program Manager for the Maine Shared Collections Strategy IMLS grant. Matthew has written and spoken...

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Susan Stearns

Susan Stearns has been the Program Director for EAST since its founding in 2015. Then Executive Director of the Boston Library Consortium (BLC), Susan was instrumental in gaining the initial grant funding for EAST, in expanding the membership, and in developing the...

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