EAST Reversal and Reallocation Requests Form

Use this form to request retention reversals and potentially add them to the reallocation process. See the Reallocation of Retention Commitments  and the Retention commitments FAQ for further information. We ask that libraries choosing to reallocate items directly to another EAST member appropriately update the OCLC LHRs to have the shared print flag on the LHR for the retaining library.

See also a short video explaining the Reallocation Process.


  • Materials should be submitted in a spreadsheet containing the following columns: OCLC number, OCLC Symbol of library requesting reallocation, Reason for request, Title, and whether or not an attempt to reallocate the title should be made. 
    The spreadsheet should be uploaded via the form below.
  • Reasons for requests include: missing, lost, damaged, moved to special collections, metadata error, or out of scope. Out of scope titles will not be reallocated. Note that retentions moved to updated/correct OCLC numbers need not be reported to EAST. Simply make the change in OCLC.

Reallocation Process

1. Download or copy the sample spreadsheet, which will prompt drop-down menus to appear for the ‘Reason for request’ column, making it easier for librarians to fill out the form as requested.

2. Fill out the form below and upload the filled-in spreadsheet with your reallocation/reversals requests.