2018 EAST Member Meeting

The 2018 EAST Member Meeting took place on Friday, October 19th at the Metro Meeting Centers in Downtown Boston. Librarians at EAST member institutions presented on various aspects of EAST implementation at their institutions, weighed in on future directions for the project, and networked with counterparts along the breadth of member institutions. The presentations are linked below, please contact the Project Team with any questions.


Meeting Agenda:

9:30am-10:15amWelcome & EAST Updates (Patrick Carr, Tara Fulton, & Susan Stearns)

Full Steam Ahead: Perspectives on the Serials & Journals Collection Analysis and Retention Processes

Sara Amato and Matthew Revitt (EAST)

Lindsay Cronk (University of Rochester)

Matthew Person (MBL/WHOI)

11:15am-12:00pmCommunicating the Value of EAST (Patrick Carr)
1:00pm-2:00pmGrowing the EAST Collection | Digitization | Audio-Visual Materials | Measuring the Impact of EAST [Breakout Sessions]
2:00pm-2:30pmTitles in LIMBO: Roundtable discussions on how EAST libraries uphold retention commitments [this was folded into the Q&A during the Implementation Panel)

EAST Implementation Across Functional Areas: Perspectives from member libraries

Anthony Fonseca, moderator

Ellen Keane (UMass Lowell): Adding Retention Commitments at UMass Lowell

Steve Smith (Boston University): Using the EAST Collective Collection in Large-Scale Projects

Gwen Verkuilen-Chevalier (St. Anselm College): The Role of User Services in Honoring EAST Retention Commitments

3:30pm-4:00pm Meeting Wrap Up