In early March 2018, representatives of Cohort 2 Serials/Journals retention partners participated in a webinar to review the tasks, timelines, and expectations related to the collection analysis and retention process for serials. Below are a link to the webinar...
August 2017 Membership Update Webinar
The EAST Project Team provided a series of Members Update webinars in August 2017. Below you can find the recording of one of these webinars, as well as links to the slides used, and to all the documents referred to in the webinar. The updates included the open call...
Cohort 2 Kick-Off Webinar and Presentation Slides
During the first two weeks of June, representatives of all Cohort 2 libraries participated in a webinar to introduce them to the work and governance structure of EAST. As part of the webinar, they also received an introduction to SCS, and guidance regarding completing...
May 2017 Membership Update Webinar
The EAST Project Team provided a Members Update in early May. The webinar covered the work of the Serials & Journals Working Group, a follow up on the Deeper Dive into Data Validation Study, the new EAST member libraries, and the communication channels available...
ILL Best Practices webinar
This webinar was held February 16 , 2017 and provided an overview of the EAST ILL Best Practices, approved by the EAST Executive Committee. The slides are available as is a recording of the webinar which runs just over 21 minutes, 14 of which are the presentation...
January 2017 Membership Update Webinar
Susan Stearns, Project Director for EAST, hosted a series of update webinars for the EAST members in late January. A recording of the session, which runs about 30 minutes is available here and the PDF of the slides used is here.
LITA Forum: EAST Validation
The EAST Data Librarian, Sara Amato, presented a lightning talk on our validation samply study at the LITA forum held on November 18, 2016. Slides from her presentation are here.
EAST Member Meeting 2016
On October 14th, 2016, EAST held a meeting of the full membership to review the progress of the last year and discuss the future. In addition to current EAST members, a number of libraries interested in joining a second cohort for EAST were in attendance....
Webinar on EAST Major Operating Policies
This recorded webinar provides an overview of EAST's major operating policies. In this webinar each section of the EAST Major Operating Policies document, which was approved by the EAST Executive Committee on June 20, 2016, was reviewed. The presentation slides for...
Print Archive Network Forum – June 2016
At the semi-annual forum of the Print Archive Network (PAN) in June, 2016, Susan Stearns, Executive Director of Boston Library Consortium & Project Director of EAST, and Matthew Revitt, Shared Print Consultant for EAST,...