EAST is working with the Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI) on a group collection analysis project to explore the relationship between their circulating print collections and the EAST collective collection. Twenty-three of PALNI’s supported...
EAST Director Announcement
The EAST Board is pleased to announce the successful conclusion of a national search for the next EAST Director with the appointment of Tina Baich, succeeding Program Director Emerita Susan Stearns. Tina’s experience and capabilities reflect the organization’s...
Article on the growth of EAST published in the Journal of Library Administration
The Journal of Library Administration published the following article on March 6, 2024. Susan Stearns & Sara Amato (2024) “The Growth of Shared Print as Seen Through the EAST Lens,” Journal of Library Administration, 64:3, 347-357....
South Carolina Libraries Join EAST as the Shared Print Collective Collection Continues to Grow
Columbia, SC and Sterling, MA, December 6, 2023 The Eastern Academic Scholars’ Trust (EAST) announces the addition of 37 new member libraries joining the shared print community from the Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries (PASCAL) consortium in South...
BLC and EAST Announce Successful Transition of EAST into Independent Organization
Boston Library Consortium (BLC) and Eastern Academic Scholars' Trust (EAST) are pleased to announce a significant milestone in their partnership. Effective June 1, 2023, Eastern Academic Scholars' Trust (EAST) has successfully transitioned into its own independent...
Seeking a Consultant for Duplication of Google Workspace
Updated November 18, 2022 The Eastern Academic Scholars’ Trust (www.eastlibraries.org), among the largest shared print programs in the U.S., is in the early stages of transitioning from the current fiscal sponsor, the Boston Library Consortium or BLC (www.blc.org), to...
EAST Newsletter
The EAST Newsletter is a quarterly update on EAST activities, that is sent to all members of EAST email lists (subscribe). Below are previous issues. For information on EAST activities prior to August 2022 see the EAST Purpose and History page. February 2025 November...