Shared Print Monograph Summit: An Update

On April 5th and 6th, representatives from many of the North American shared print programs, funders, and organization directors met to discuss the landscape of the shared print monograph field, as well as to generate ideas for collaborative next steps that would result in concrete action. Prior to the meeting, attendees responded to a survey to establish a common ground for the Summit. These responses helped to shape the agenda and facilitated deep conversations about issues in shared print.  The energy and engagement of the participants made clear their commitment to working together to protect and preserve the print scholarly record in support of scholarship, research and teaching.

Facilitated by Maureen Sullivan, the group surfaced the challenges and opportunities inherent in the shared print environment. By the end of the second day, a number of priorities had been agreed upon, and working groups were created to address possible next steps. All the documents related to the Summit, as well as the working groups and their members, are available on the Shared Print Monograph site. Of particular interest are the Notes, which chronicle the meeting and can give context for some of the other material.

Please direct any questions about the Summit to Susan Stearns (, EAST Project Director.