October 2017 EAST Member Meeting

Susan Stearns presenting at the EAST 2017 Member MeetingEAST held its annual fall meeting in Boston on Friday, October 13th. Over 50 librarians from across the institutional diversity of EAST joined the EAST Mellon grant Co-PIs and the EAST Project Team for a day of presentations, breakout sessions organized around current EAST projects, and a lively discussion on the future of EAST. Below please find the slides from Project Director Susan Stearns’ presentation, and the slides from all five lightning talks presented at the meeting.

Members Meeting Update, presentation by Susan Stearns, EAST Project Director

Leveraging your investment in EAST, presentations by Ruth Fischer (OCLC/SCS), Sally Krash (UMass Amherst), Lindsay Cronk (U Rochester), Dzintra Lacis (Brandeis), and Karen Bohrer & Ray Schmidt (Wellesley)