The EAST Program Team have created a guidance document for libraries undertaking an individual library collection analysis project using GreenGlass.
For general questions about EAST, please contact For information about GreenGlass, please visit:
Viewing preliminary list of items that meet the EAST Retention Model
Before OCLC applies the retention rules to your collection you have the opportunity to carry out an initial review of items at your library that meet the EAST retention model to determine if a) this level of retention is acceptable to your library and b) broadly speaking you feel comfortable taking on most, if not all of these retentions.
It won’t be feasible to carry out a title-by-title review of the spreadsheet, but filtering the spreadsheet by for example, location and LC class may help you identify broad categories of material not appropriate for EAST retention. For example:
- non-circulating materials;
- out of scope material like serials and journals and government documents;
- materials in specific locations that shouldn’t have been included in the analysis.
To download your item list:
- Sign into GreenGlass and go to the “EAST” group view
- Select “Shared Print” in the top menu
- Select your library’s name under “Shared print retentions”
- Click “items my library can retain” which is a static query of items your library owns that meet the EAST retention model
- Click “Export. XLSX” to download the list of items
Once you have carried out this initial review please inform EAST whether you approve the estimated retention level and whether there are any categories of material you feel should be out of scope for EAST retention.
Reviewing your allocation proposal
Once your library has given its broad approval of the EAST Retention Model, OCLC will reload GreenGlass with the model applied to your collection (removing any out of scope material you’ve identified, see above) giving you an opportunity to more closely review your retention allocation list and identify titles that aren’t appropriate for long-term retention such as:
- non-circulating materials;
- out of scope material like serials and journals and government documents;
- materials in a specific location that should not have been included in the original data set;
- non-scholarly materials that do not merit retention by academic libraries (for example, outdated textbooks and guides).
***Watch this ‘Adjusting Your Library’s Retention Commitments in GreenGlass‘ video prior to reviewing your retention allocation lists***
Steps for downloading and reviewing proposed allocated retentions
- Sign out of GreenGlass and login back in again
- In your library view in GreenGlass scroll down to the bottom of the “Collection Overview” page to the metric “Allocated for retention“
- Click on the green tally to the right of “Allocated for retention” which is the total number of items (not titles) you’ve been allocated to retain
- Select “Export XLSX” which will automatically start the download process (note, it will take a couple of minutes to download)
- Once the “Status:” changes to “Completed.” click “Download” on the right of the screen and the giant spreadsheet will open in Excel.
- Open the allocation spreadsheet
- Delete the columns that aren’t factors for you in whether a title should be retained (e.g. our comparator groups) to make the spreadsheet easier to navigate
- Review the spreadsheet to ensure no out of scope locations are included (e.g. non-circulating areas)
- For most libraries it’s not feasible (or recommended) to review their list title-by-title, but you might consider filtering the spreadsheet to view titles in specific call numbers or classes to check there’s no out of scope material like travel guides, computer manuals & textbooks included. You might also want to use the GreenGlass “Query Builder” functionality to view and filter your retention allocation by different parameters. Please contact a member of the EAST Project Team if you need assistance with this.
- Run a report in your ILS to identify if any allocated titles have been marked as damaged or missing since your library’s extract was delivered to OCLC. Here are instructions for various ILSs. Please contact if you need assistance with this.
- Finally, if you identify retention exceptions, please create a title level list of them, and send to by the deadline agreed for your project.
After this OCLC will make the necessary adjustments and then reload GreenGlass with your final retentions.
Final retention allocations
Once OCLC have loaded your library’s final retention allocations use the following instructions to download the list and record in your local ILS.
***View this short video that goes over the post-allocation process: Post-Allocation Features in GreenGlass***
Steps for downloading final allocations:
- Sign out of GreenGlass and login back in again (I found if I was already logged in the allocations wouldn’t appear)
- In your library view in GreenGlass scroll down to the bottom of the “Collection Overview” page to the metric “Allocated for retention“
- Click on the green tally to the right of “Allocated for retention” which is the total number of items (not titles) you’ve been allocated to retain
- Select “Export XLSX” which will automatically start the download process (note, it will take a couple of minutes to download)
- Once the “Status:” changes to “Completed.” click “Download” on the right of the screen and the giant spreadsheet will open in Excel.
- Use this spreadsheet to record the commitments into your local ILS, following these instructions.