Please visit the new website for the Partnership, Documentation and other materials about the Partnership can be found there as of January 2020.
The Partnership for Shared Book Collections grew out of Summit meetings hosted by EAST in April and December of 2018 which included representatives from the current monograph shared print programs in the U.S. and Canada as well as other thought leaders and experts in preservation and scholarly communications. The Partnership is a federation of these programs with the goal of coordinating collaboration across the programs to support cost-effective retention of and access to print book collections with the goal of ensuring the long-term preservation, accessibility and integrity of these scholarly print resources.
The member programs have already committed to retain over 40 million books (and growing!) primarily in academic and research libraries across the United States and Canada and make these materials available for scholarship, research, and teaching through inter-library loan and other forms of resource sharing. Throughout 2019 a recently formed Steering Committee as well as Working Groups formed at the December, 2018 Summit will be working to further the organizational development of the Partnership. The Working Groups will focus on defining the business model, services, membership and governance of the Partnership and hope to formalize the Partnership in early 2020.