BLC Three-Year Strategic Directions – 2019-2021
October, 2018
Staff at BLC Member libraries are encouraged to review and comment on the Three-Year Strategic Directions document provided below. Comments and feedback from members will be reviewed at the December 7th meeting of the full BLC Board of Directors. Comments may be made through Tuesday, November 27th.
Thank you.
Susan Stearns, Executive Director, Boston Library Consortium
Reaffirming Our Core Values:
Resource sharing: committed to fast and efficient sharing of library materials;
Professional Development: committed to an agile response to emerging needs (e.g. webinar series), building new skills and leadership development and to creating a professional community for networking; and
Advocacy around key issues that impact BLC members in partnership with other groups who are also strong voices on behalf of libraries ALA, ACRL, ARL etc.
Strategic Directions:
1. Resource Sharing – explore an expanded definition of ‘resource’- beyond print – to include people, functional expertise, distinctive collections and digital assets, as well as further refining the ‘techniques’ of resource sharing to ensure maximum efficiency for users.
2. Access and Interoperability – a commitment to further improve the ‘One Library’ user experience by removing remaining barriers between BLC member libraries to create a seamless user experience.
3. Digital Initiatives – explore opportunities for greater collaboration around projects such as digital exhibitions, digitization projects, digital preservation and shared repositories. Shared staff expertise could include licensing, intellectual property, accessibility of online resources.